Magpies nest

pack night programs.



Date   Theme Space Exploration



Grand Howl Inspection and Subs Equipment
    Spare time activity.

Each Cub Scout to sort out the words. First Cub Scouts to finish help others. Examples of' Space Expressions'

SPIEAPHCS (Spaceship)

SCTUWDOONN (Countdown)

TSORATNUA (Astronaut)

OELXRRPE (Explorer)

SECPALU (Capsule)

FTBOFSAL (Blast Off)

Piece of paper per Cub Scout on which are jumbled Space Expressions'.




Cub Scouts sit in a circle. In the centre is the ' space suit ' and "space food". Each Cub Scout has own fork. On the word 'Go' the small plastic cup containing dice is passed around the circle and each Cub Scout in turn tries to throw a six. The first to throw a six runs to the centre of circle and puts on the Space Suit and starts to eat ' space food '(one Smartie at a time) with the fork. In the meantime the other Cub Scouts try to throw a six and take the place of the Cub Scout in the centre.

Plate of Smarties, pair of boots, large pair of gloves, space helmet (made from cardboard formed into a cylinder & circle cut out for face. A fork for each Cub Scout. Cup and dice.



All Cub Scouts spend 10 minutes on each base. A Leader is needed to run each base


Fold the paper as indicated below (as a bowl) and insert wire handle. Light the candle. Fill the kettle (bowl) with water, (try adding a little soup powder as well.) Then heat the water over the candle. With care the paper should not catch fire because the water carries the heat away from it by convection. (Have some spare sheets ready!)

Candle, soap powder, matches, water and scissors. Sheet of paper and a piece of wire per Cub Scout





Mark out and cut the two pieces of black card as shown below. Folding the card carefully down it's centre makes the cutting of the slots easier. Tape the white cord by it's edges only to the front black card as shown, then slide in the second piece of black card so that it can be moved freely up and down. By doing this quickly and slowly messages in Morse code can be sent from one Cub Scout to another.

Each Cub Scout will need: 2 pieces of black cardboard, 1 piece of white cardboard (approx. 14cm * 12.5cm), scissors, sticky tape and a circle stencil (lid or can)


Star Gazer

Punch holes in black card to copy star constelations, (book or photo on subject needed) When held up to light, Cub Scouts will see the constellation. (Let them take them home when finished)

Black card and pins or other sharp object, torch or other light source.





All Cub Scouts except one sit at the end of the hall. The one chosen is the ' Monster '(this could be Cub Scout Instructor or Leader) who stands at the opposite end of the hall with a torch. They face the wall and now and then turns and shines the torch at any Cub Scout whom they hear or thinks is moving. The rest of the Pack has to try and creep up to the other end of the hall without being caught by the beam from the torch. The first Cub Scout to succeed takes over as the' Monster 'and if caught they have to go back to the start. This can be played with the lights turned off for the best results.



Grey Wolf

Game : Guiding Space Ships Home

Cub Scout in relay formation at the end of the hall are blindfolded. The Sixer from each Six is not blindfolded and is at the opposite end of the hall. On the word 'Go 'the Sixer must guide each member of the Six to the other end of the hall by shouting out directions (these could be compass bearings. The winning Six is the first to get the whole Six safely home. The game can be played with various obstacles placed around hall or another Six could be sitting on the floor

Blindfolds or scarves



Close. Notices, Points, Flagdown, Prayer

Prayer: We thank you for all those men and women who in the past have risked their lives to help us learn more about the world we live in. We ask you to be with those who are today involved in exploration or who are involved in research. We hope that through them, we may learn even more about our world and more importantly those less fortunate than we ourselves may one day lead happier lives.



The Body


Date   Theme The Body



Inspection - Hair, Nails, Teeth. Grand Howl, flagbreak.  



Game Crab Soccer. Football



Yarn Talk about how our ears work to help us locate the source of a sound. None




Doggy, doggy, who's got the bone?

Sit Cub Scouts in a circle with one Cub Scout in the centre (the doggy). Doggy crouches down and closes eyes. Provide the group with an object that makes a little noise, such as a bunch of keys or a cellophane bag. The object is placed on the floor behind the doggy. Point to a Cub Scout who attempts to collect the object as quietly as possible and place it behind his or her back. When the object is collected the Cub Scouts sing "Doggy, doggy, who's got the bone? Wake up doggy and find the bone". Doggy opens eyes and tries to guess who has the bone. If the guess is correct the person holding the object is the new doggy.

Keys or Bell etc






Grey Wolf






Bases - 4 x 10 minutes

Eyes Provide Cub Scouts with the opportunity to look through a magnifying glass and a pair of binoculars. Talk about the difference made to normal vision. Cut out large shapes of magnifying glasses and binoculars and write statements on these which describe the effect of magnification and of reducing distance. Hang these around the room.

Touch Blindfold each group. Get them to follow a string with different objects hanging on it. When they have passed along the string, get them to write down what they felt. Talk to them about words to describe the feel of the objects - cold, hard, soft, wet, smooth.

Bones and muscles Talk about movable joints and the importance of muscles and joints in our everyday lives. Splint each Cub Scout's arms so that they cannot bend their elbow. Get them to try doing some everyday tasks - brushing hair, tying shoes, etc.

Speech Say the alphabet while looking in the mirror. Try it again, but hold on to the tongue. Discuss: What did you notice? How do the tongue and lips help us to speak?

Binoculars, Magnifying Glass, Paper and card, Pens or Pencils.

String and hanging objects.






Grey Wolf Healthy supper

Talk to the Cub Scouts about the importance of eating the right foods to keep our bodies working properly.On the table place some wholemeal and multi-grain breads, salad vegetables and cheese and get the Cub Scouts to make some healthy sandwiches. Provide milk or water to drink.

Food as in text




Notices, Points, Flagdown, Prayer